Monday, July 9

Work sucks, I know.

Back from work. Physically invigorated, but mentally exhausted. as usual. But today paling sucked. Had the usual Monday round table meeting at 8am sharp - really, I'm good at staying(pretend to be) awake.. 10.30am talked to those old old engineers about my collection of samples that looked really bad.. too heavy too light too this too that..

tf : Samples i got on the 2nd of July. Cp and Cpk not pretty at all.
Mr.S : Good. It's easier to improve it den.
tf : easier?
Mr.S : what if your initial samples were already perfect?

*coool.. i thought our goal was 3.4 defects in a million.. i have 200 here already. out of 1000. talking about perfect? maybe its just way too far.. couldn't see it AT ALL.*

meeting again at 3. i think i slept thru it. My manager knows it. sigh..

Monday = There's still TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY to go..

missing my weekends already.

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