Thursday, January 21

Our abilities

"You never know how far you could go, don't guess, just let your ability tell you that"

A facebook status I can't bare not to stare a little longer.

How far are we now? Technology, transportation, manufacturing, education, wireless, etc. We are rocket high far I think. That's due to our rocket high abilities. We started everything by our own hands.

How fast are we? All it takes is an individual. or a few, or a whole lot more, to come up with something new. We're constantly making decisions. We're constantly thinking. The amount of people living in this planet now, decides how fast change is taking place every second, I think.

It's huge now, and we're going fast. The question is, where. Correct or wrong, white or black, or grey. Is our planet getting better in shape, or going side ways. Whatever happens, we're to blamed. It was our decision to choose where, most of the time based on attractive incentives like $$$$$.

$ - Whylayoudomeliddis.

Monday, January 11


1st day of work today.

I am an Industrial Engineer Junior with Bridgestone-Firestone Inc.

This job will make me richer but I'll not work for the money.

Luck has been on my side, and I'm deeply grateful by the opportunities.

I am no longer a college kid.

Big thank you to everybody! Especially to family and friends and teachers.

It's about time to justify the time and investment spent. No Shit.


Saturday, January 2

2009 in 30 seconds

Made a 32 seconds video of my 2009. Apologize for the bad sound quality!

Anyway, Happy 2010 everybody!

I started my year by playing guitar hero from 12am till 9am! haha.. It's my 1st time and I got so addicted to it, so as everybody else! Thanks Alex for bringing the equipments and for rocking the beginning of the year. and omg there was this random guy with us that was sooo annoying, kept barking like a dog at random people and random things. Guess what, kena diu by Alex Tew! Priceless rite hahaha!


  1. Be optimistic: Replace last with more. This is my last day of 2009, I have 1 more day of 2009.
  2. More fruits. More gym. More snowboarding. More readings.
  3. Less McDonalds.
  4. Sister's wedding.
  5. Keep in touch.
  6. Work hard.
Xan Nin Fai Lok!