Thursday, June 12

Interesting Iowa

Besides the weather, mm..

Flash flood @ Cedar Falls

Since the massive flood occurred about 2 weeks ago in Ames, the weather here has gone mad.

Heavy rain. Strong wind. Thunder storm. Tornadoes. Flash flood. Flying cows.

All of that can happen at the same time within a state.

Like today.

Western Iowa just had a tornado touchdown 2 hours ago. 4 death and 40 injuries. 3400 acres of properties destroyed. Several cows in the air. Cars too. Everybody was terrified.

Almost all major cities are flooded now. Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Ames, Boone, Ottumwa, Washburn, Waverly, etc.

Sandbags just in case @ Scheman building, Ames.

Evacuation in Cedar Falls/Cedar Rapids neighborhoods.

More than 20 highways are going to shut. Too many roads are already closed.

Millions of sandbags. Thousands of volunteers. And that's just Cedar Falls.

"We've saved this city, but we're still at a crucial point." Staudt, a volunteer from Cedar Falls said to the press.

Leaving many homeless tonight, and stress for those involved. And some maybe even not-aware, playing mahjong at home.

And that's all for today.

This weekend is going to be the geng chau 1. The midwest is expecting a historic flood in a few days time. Something like what happened to Iowa in 1993, a devastating flood.

Interesting isn't it.

I'm thinking about my plans tomorrow.

Meeting my sister and friends @ Iowa City for Korean dinner. Kanye West concert @ Moline, Illinois after that.

Or maybe I should just stay home.

And watch couples feeding each other.

Lol I rather ride a sampan to Iowa City ~

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