Thursday, August 13

3 years of United States

Today is a special day for me - I survived exactly 3 years in the United States woohoo!

Looking back through the 3 years I've spent in the States, gosh there's a lot to be mentioned. Met many many people, learned a lot from my IE courses, exposed to unbelievable dramatic situations, ate a lot of burgers, etc etc..

Adjusting to the environment and life style here wasn't as hard as I expected. Thanks to them, my close loops of friends were among the Malaysians that were here for the same reason, same experience, and as uncomfort at the beginning. I always believe we have a bond that'll keep us taking care of each other and try to optimize comfortability in this uncomfort zone. I'm fortunate in my 1st semester to have helpful seniors, helpful sister, and most importantly getting to know ZT & OC. Thanks again la, for the full 3years of laughters!

Throughout the years, I tried my very best to look after dudes from the same kampung too. Countless activites, outings, parties, and performances were planned and carried out. Outcome were always priceless, 'and then lets do it again'.

I've performed a lot in this 3 years. Started as a noob singer on my 1st grad night (kept drinking water oni), followed by Hip Hop with DubH, lion dance, MCN, grad nights, we even performed at some random business conference room in Gerdin. In fact I think I've performed more than anybody else I know in Ames. Well not because I'm talented or what, but I just enjoy the feeling very much, and I always try to influence my friends to perform with me. I still can't believe I actually choreographed a Malay and an Indian dance haha..

Career standpoint, I feel very lucky and satisfied. Had 3 different internships with international corporations, projects with 3 other companies, and tours to more than 10 manufacturing plants, I've gained very valueble experience in my field of interest. I'll continue to work hard for more exposures, more problems to solve, more $$$ of course, and more $$$. Yes I like $$$. If I take my net earnings from engineering jobs in US divided by the total tuition fees I've spent in US, I can say I'm half way meeting the break even point of my study trip investment in US. I am very looking for the day I meet this break even point.

"If you wanna feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy"

All in all, meet or don't meet break even point doesn't matter at all if you don't feel rich. Throughout the 3 years, there's way more ups than downs, I'm very glad about it. I can't tell how many more years I have in the States, but I do hope for the best. Best for you too!

A good 3 years indeed.

Tonight there might be meteors, if I spotted some I wanna pray for you ok! :)

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